By; Okunola Promise The term rape originated from the Latin word, rapere (supine stem raptum), "to snatch, to grab, to carry off. Rape was initially considered a crime only in terms of the property violation of another man. For instance, ancient Hebrew women who were raped were considered defiled, and stoned to death. The first case of rape was the case of a young girl called Mathura, Mathura was a young orphan tribal girl living with one of her two brithers. The incident is suspected to have taken place on 26th March 1972, she was between 14 and 16years old at that time and the case was an incident of custodial rape in India on 26th March 1972. Rape , according to Merriam-Webster dictionary is an unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out by force or under threat of injury against a persons will or with a person ...